Pull request notifications

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Bitbucket Data Center sends email notifications to the author, reviewers, and watchers of a pull request when the below events occur.

Pull request eventNotification recipients
A pull request is openedThe reviewers of the pull request
The pull request is mergedThe watchers of the pull request
The pull request is declinedThe watchers of the pull request
The pull request is reopened

The watchers of the pull request

The pull request is deletedThe watchers of the pull request
A reviewer is addedThe added reviewer
A reviewer is removedThe removed reviewer
The reviewers are updatedThe pull request author
The pull request is approvedThe watchers of the pull request
The pull request is reviewedThe pull request author
The pull request is unapprovedThe watchers of the pull request
A commit is made to the source branchThe watchers of the pull request
The destination branch is changedThe watchers of the pull request
A comment is addedThe watchers of the pull request
A comment is replied toThe watchers of the pull request
A comment is likedThe pull request author and the comment author
Auto-merge is requested for a pull requestThe watchers of the pull request
Auto-merge is canceled for a pull requestThe watchers of the pull request

The pull request author and reviewers are automatically added as watchers.

By default, pull request notifications are batched. You can change your personal account settings in Bitbucket (from the Notification settings tab) so that you get all pull request notifications immediately.

However, in the following situations, notifications are always sent immediately:

  • When a pull request is first opened, notifications are immediately sent to the reviewers.
  • When a pull request is deleted, notifications are immediately sent to all watchers.
  • When a pull request is reopened, notifications are immediately sent to the reviewers who have opted in for immediate notifications.
  • When someone is added as a reviewer to a pull request, a notification is immediately sent to them.
  • When someone is removed as a reviewer from a pull request, a notification is immediately sent to them.
  • When someone is mentioned in the description of a pull request, a notification is immediately sent to them.

You don't receive notifications for events you initiate yourself. See also Pull requests.

Last modified on Oct 19, 2023

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