'Historical' reports display graphical and numerical data relating to sets of coverage data collected over time for the project.
When you view the report you should see a picture similar to the screenshot below, although it is likely that the graphs that you produce will contain different values.
- Like the 'current' report, the historical report begins with a header containing relevant project information. This includes the report title, the project metrics and the period for which history points are included in the report. (A history point is a snapshot of code coverage and metrics data for the project at a particular point in time.)
- Below this header is the Project Overview Chart which shows the branch, statement, method and total coverage percentages for the project for the most recent history point included in the report.
- The 'Coverage over time' graph shows the percentage values of branch, statement, method and total coverage for each history point and plots them against time in an easy-to-read chart.
Screenshot: Historical Coverage Over Time

- The 'Metrics over time' graph shows the project statistics for each history point plotted against time. It is therefore possible to observe changes in metrics such as the number of methods. In the example below, the number of methods can be seen shown in green.
Screenshot: Historical Metrics Over Time

- The section 'Classes added' allows you to monitor the coverage of newly added classes.
Screenshot: Classes Added and Movers

- The final section, 'Movers', displays classes that have increased or decreased in coverage by more than a specified percentage point threshold over a particular time interval, the default being one percentage point over the two latest history points.
You can also view charts for coverage against complexity and covered versus uncovered elements (see below). These are just two examples. Any metrics can be charted, including user-defined metrics, customised for your needs.
Screenshot: Historical Coverage Against Complexity

Screenshot: Historical Covered Versus Uncovered Elements