This documentation is for Clover 3.2.x View the latest version of

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

or visit the current Clover documentation home page.

Getting Started

If you are new to Clover and want to get it going quickly, try the following:

The Introduction to Code Coverage section provides a brief background on the theory and motivation behind Code Coverage. The Clover Tutorial provides a good alternative introduction to Clover.

If you are browsing and interested in seeing how Clover can be used on your project, see Using Clover Interactively and Using Clover in Automated Builds.

Clover provides deep integration through plugins for both Eclipse & IntelliJ IDEA, see the Clover-for-Eclipse and Clover-for-IDEA sections for installation instructions.

For help with Ant, see the online Ant manual at Also recommended reading is Eric Burke's Top 15 Ant Best Practices.

For Clover troubleshooting information, see the Atlassian Answers.

System Requirements

See the Clover-for-Ant Installation Guide.

What's New in Clover 3?

See the Clover Release Notes.


Clover makes use of the following excellent third-party libraries:


A public domain parser generator.


A lightweight library for multi-machine communication.

iText 0.96

A library for generating PDF documents.

Apache Ant

The Ant build system.

Apache Velocity

Templating engine used for HTML report generation.


An open source library for generating charts.


A JavaScript library for popups and tooltips.


An open source toolkit for creating interactive data visualisations.


An agile and dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine.


An advanced, open source web application framework based on Groovy.

To prevent library version mismatches, all of these libraries have been obfuscated and/or repackaged and included in the Clover jar. We do this to prevent pain for users who may use different versions of these libraries in their projects.