This documentation is for Clover 3.2.x View the latest version of

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

or visit the current Clover documentation home page.

This page contains the installation instructions for Clover-for-Maven 2 and 3.

Install Clover-for-Maven 2 and 3 by adding it to your Maven 2 and 3 build file (pom.xml):
  1. Set up your pom.xml by adding:


    (info) Either change ${clover.version} to the current Clover version, or define a property in your pom.xml that sets this value.

    (warning) Clover ships with a 30 day evaluation license. After 30 days you need a valid Clover license file to run Clover. You can obtain a free 30 day evaluation license or purchase a commercial license at You will need to set up your licence, as a <licenseLocation> element in your pom.xml configuration file.

  2. Now, simply invoke Clover with Maven on the command line. This will instrument your sources, build your project, run your tests and create a Clover coverage database.

You can also have Clover run as part of your build. Learn how to add goals in pom.xml.


There are three basic parts executed when recording code coverage with Clover.

  1. The clover2:setup goal will instrument your Java source files.
  2. The test phase is Maven 2 and 3's standard command for running a unit test phase.
  3. The clover2:clover goal generates an HTML, XML, PDF or JSON report.

(info) The command clover2:aggregate goal is used for merging coverage data generated by multi-module projects.

Hence, if you use the following code:

mvn clover2:setup test clover2:aggregate clover2:clover

This will create a coverage report, which will be created in this directory:


Clover should now be fully set up for basic operation.

For more license configuration options, see the FAQ pages.

For more instructions, see the Clover-for-Maven 2 and 3 User's Guide.

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