A Tag Cloud or 'weighted list' is a way of visually representing information. In Clover, 'Coverage Clouds' provide an instant overview of your entire project and individual packages, enabling you to identify areas of your code that pose the highest risks or shortcomings.
Tool tips on each class name provide you with the real values for each metric.
The Project Risks / Package Risks Cloud highlights those classes that are the most complex, yet are the least covered by your tests. The larger and redder the class, the greater the risk that class poses for your project or package. Package risk clouds can be toggled to include or exclude classes in sub-packages.
Metric | Attribute |
Average Method Complexity | Font Size |
% Coverage | Font Color |
This Cloud highlights the "low hanging coverage fruit" of your project or package. You will achieve the greatest increase in overall project coverage by covering the largest, reddest classes first. Package Quick Win clouds can be toggled to include or exclude classes in sub-packages.
Metric | Attribute |
Number of Elements | Font Size |
Number of Elements Untested | Font Color |
Screen shot: Top risks cloud