Apply a Theme to a Space

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Themes are used to change the appearance of your space. Confluence comes with two themes - the default theme and documentation theme, or your Administrator can download and install other themes from The Atlassian Marketplace

Once a theme is installed it can be applied to the whole site or to individual spaces.

To apply a theme to a space:

  1. Go to the space and choose Space tools > Look and Feel from the bottom of the sidebar
    You'll need Space Admin permissions to do this. 
  2. Choose Themes and select a theme option.
  3. Choose Confirm.
Is your space using the Documentation theme?

If your space is using the Documentation theme:

  1. Choose Browse > Space Admin from the header

    Note: The Space Admin option appears only if you have space admin permissions, or if you're part of the 'confluence-administrators' group.

  2. Choose Themes and select a theme option.
  3. Choose Confirm.

What is the global look and feel?

When a new space is created, whichever theme is applied to the whole site will be applied by default to the new space. This is the global look and feel, and any changes made globally will flow through to all spaces that inherit the global look and feel.

If a space has its own theme applied, or if changes have been made to customize the look and feel of the space, it will no longer inherit changes from the global look and feel.

If you want to go back to inheriting the global look and feel choose Global look and feel from the Themes page. 

Last modified on Apr 12, 2018

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