log4j Logging Levels

Logging Levels

  • DEBUG - designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application (what is going on)
  • INFO - announcements about the normal operation of the system - scheduled jobs running, services starting and stopping, user-triggered processes and actions
  • WARN - any condition that, while not an error in itself, may indicate that the system is running sub-optimally
  • ERROR - a condition that indicates something has gone wrong with the system
  • FATAL - a condition that indicates something has gone wrong so badly that the system can not recover
  • TRACE - n/a within confluence

There are two ways to modify the logging levels, as described in Working with Confluence Logs.

  1. Modifying the runtime log levels via the Administration Console (changes made here will not persist across restarts).
  2. Manually modifying the <Confluence-Install>\confluence\WEB-INF\classes\log4j.properties file.

Default Log Level

The standard Confluence log level WARN is a way for Confluence to communicate with the server administrator. Logging at WARN level and higher should be reserved for situations that require some kind of attention from the server administrator, and for which corrective action is possible.

See log4j manual for more information. 

Last modified on Aug 12, 2020

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