How to customize the sign up page

The customization described on this page is outside the scope of Atlassian support. Please check Atlassian Support Offerings for more information.


This page gets you started on customising the Confluence sign up page with your own logo or custom text. This will not customize the actual sign up process, but what users see on the sign-up page.


  • Customizations to the Confluence sign up page will need to be reapplied when you upgrade Confluence. Consider this before making drastic changes to the layout, and be sure to keep a list of what you change in case you upgrade later.
  • Be sure to test your changes on a test instance of Confluence before applying them to production.


Customizing the Sign Up Page in Confluence 4.3 and later

  1. In the Confluence installation directory, find the confluence/login.vm Velocity template.
  2. Make a copy of this file as a backup.
  3. Edit the file with a text editor to make your changes. Please note that the template contains a mixture of HTML markup and Velocity content. See Velocity Template Overview (in our developer documentation) for more information.

    The file includes both login page and sign up page markup. The sign up section resides inside <div class="signup-section">.

  4. Refresh the sign up page in the browser. You may need to clear your browser cache.


Customizing the Sign Up Page in Confluence 4.1.9 and 4.2.x

  1. Stop Confluence
  2. In the Confluence installation directory, go to confluence/WEB-INF/classes/com/atlassian/confluence/setup
  3. Make a copy of as a backup.
  4. Unzip and locate confluence-easyuser-admin-x.x.x.jar. Please refer to the KB: Editing Files within JAR Archives
  5. Find the file templates/signup.vm
  6. Edit the file with a text editor to make the required changes. The content contains a mixture of HTML and Velocity. See Velocity Template Overview (in our developer documentation).
  7. Save the file and zip it back to
  8. Start Confluence
  9. Refresh the sign up page in the browser. You may need to clear your browser cache.


Customizing the Sign Up Page in Confluence 4.1.8 and earlier

  1. In the Confluence installation directory, find the confluence.signup.vm Velocity template.
  2. Make a copy of this file as a backup.
  3. Edit the file with a text editor to make the required changes. The content contains a mixture of HTML markup and Velocity content. See Velocity Template Overview (in our developer documentation) for more information.
  4. Refresh the sign up page in the browser. You may need to clear your browser cache.
Last modified on Feb 26, 2016

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