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JVM requirements
for client

Java 1.5

Command line interface client for Crowd

This is a command line interface (CLI) for remotely accessing Crowd. This provides a convenient way to automate Crowd administration and include Crowd content as part of other automation. Examples are build and test automation or other business processes. This is a working command line client that can be used directly with your installation. This CLI uses Crowd's REST remote API.

Additional information


Unknown macro: {csv}

CLI, 2.0, Tested releases, Notes
1.0.0, , 2.0.1

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.


  • Unzip the distribution package and put the enclosed directory in a convenient location


  • On a command line, cd to the directory where you installed the client
  • On Windows
    • Run crowd
  • On Linux, Mac, or Unix
    • Run ./
  • On any system supporting Java
    • Run java -jar release/crowd-cli-1.0.0.jar
  • This will show help text for the command line interface client
  • The client defaults to use a user of automation. Either add this user with all the authorities required to do the actions you want or specify a different user parameter
  • It is recommended that you open the crowd.bat or file with an editor and customize it for your environment by adding server, user, and password parameters. Follow the example in the comments and make sure you do not remove the %* at the end of the line.


  • Note: the information in this section is automatically generated, so if you have edit suggestions, add a comment. Otherwise, your edits will likely be replaced on the next update.
  • Note: the following examples assume that the crowd.bat or file has been customized for your environment as noted above.
crowd --action getDirectoryList 
crowd --action getUserList  --directory "crowd" 
crowd --action getGroupList  --directory "crowd" 
crowd --action getDirectory  --directory "crowd" 
crowd --action getUser  --directory "crowd"  --userId "admin" 
crowd --action getGroup  --directory "crowd"  --group "crowd-administrators"

Help text

This is the help text displayed by the default command or using --help. This gives the precise definition of parameters, however, it might be easier to just look at the examples. Note, the information in this section is automatically generated, so if you have edit suggestions, add a comment. Otherwise, your edits will be replaced on the next update.


  • Use single dash for single letter parameters - example: -v
  • Use double dash for multi-letter parameter - example: --help
  • When parameters are specified, most need a value - example: --action addPage
  • Some parameters are flags (boolean) and must not be followed by a value - example: --verbose
  • Parameter names are case sensitive, but, action values are not - example: --userid is invalid but --action addpage is equivalent to --action addPage
  • Some parameters become required once a specific action is chosen. This is indicated in the help text for each value.
  • Some parameters have both short (one letter) and long (more than one letter) parameter names - example: -a or --action are the same
  • Some parameters have default values, if so, they are indicated below - example: (default: automation)
  • Some parameters are required - indicated by (...) - example: (-a|--action) <action>
  • Some parameters are optional - indicated by [...] - example: [(-f|--file) <file>]
  • Values that have more than one word must be enclosed by double quotes - example: --title "this is my title"
  crowd [--help] (-a|--action) <action> [(-f|--file) <file>] [--debug]
  [-v|--verbose] (-s|--server) <server> (-u|--user) <user> (-p|--password)
  <password> [--login <login>] [--service <service>] [-l|--loginFromStandardInput]
  [--directory <directory>] [--group <group>] [--userId <userId>] [--userFullName
  <userFullName>] [--userEmail <userEmail>] [--userPassword <userPassword>]

	Provides capability to make requests to a remote server.
	Required parameters: action, server, password.
	Optional parameters: user (likely required for your installation).
	Other required and optional parameters depending on action requested.

        Prints this help message.

  (-a|--action) <action>
        Requested operation to perform. Valid actions (not case sensitive) are:
        login - Login to remote server. Returns login token.
        	 Required parameters: password
        	 Optional parameters: user
        logout - Logout of remote server.
        getDirecory - Get directory information.
        	 Required parameters: directory
        	 Optional parameters: file
        getUser - Get user information.
        	 Required parameters: directory, userId
        	 Optional parameters: file
        getGroup - Get group information.
        	 Required parameters: directory, userId
        	 Optional parameters: file
        getDirectoryList - Get a list of directories.
        	 Optional parameters: file
        getUserList - Get a list of users from a directory that match the
        partial userId specified. Defaults to all users in the directory.
        	 Required parameters: directory
        	 Optional parameters: userId, file
        getUserList - Get a list of groups from a directory that match the
        partial group specified. Defaults to all group in the directory.
        	 Required parameters: directory
        	 Optional parameters: group, file

  [(-f|--file) <file>]
        Path to file based content or result output

        Requests debug output, example: stack traces.

        Requests verbose output.

  (-s|--server) <server>
        Server URL.

  (-u|--user) <user>
        User name for remote login. (default: automation)

  (-p|--password) <password>
        User password for remote login.

  [--login <login>]
        Login token from previous login request.

  [--service <service>]
        Service address extension. (default: /rest/)

        Get login token from standard input.

  [--directory <directory>]
        Directory name.

  [--group <group>]
        Group name.

  [--userId <userId>]
        User id for user management and other actions.

  [--userFullName <userFullName>]
        User name for user management actions.

  [--userEmail <userEmail>]
        User email for user management actions.

  [--userPassword <userPassword>]
        User password for user management actions.

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.
Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Release history


Initial release