Documentation for Crucible 3.0.x. Documentation for other versions is available too.

The instructions on this page describe how to browse all reviews on the 'Reviews' screen, by people or for projects that you have selected as favourites. This includes reviews that you are involved with. You can also generate reports on review blockers for all people.

The 'Reviews' tab is essentially a shortcut to viewing your reviews (or a custom filtered list, if you have set up a filter). You can also filter reviews by status, e.g. Open, Closed.

To browse all reviews:

  1. Choose Reviews > Review dashboard. The 'Reviews' page will display all open reviews, unless you have previously used a custom filter. See the screenshot below.
  2. Browse your reviews, by clicking the links under 'My Reviews' and 'My Snippets' in the sidebar.
  3. Browse reviews for all people by clicking the links under the 'Everyone's Reviews' and 'Everyone's Snippets' sections in the sidebar, as follows:

    All Open ReviewsReviews that have not been summarised and closed yet.
    All Closed ReviewsReviews that have been summarised and closed.
    All ReviewsAll reviews, including open reviews, closed reviews and draft reviews.
    All Open SnippetsAll open snippets.
    All SnippetsAll snippets, i.e. open and closed snippets.

Screenshot: Browsing all open reviews

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Viewing reports

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