We're updating our terminology in Jira

'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.

Insert the page properties macro

The Page Properties and Page Properties Report macro work together to show summary information from one page on another page. You can see examples of these two macros in action in the Decisions and Product Requirements blueprints.

Use the Page Properties macro

To add the Page Properties macro:

  1. When editing, select from the toolbar

  2. Find the macro by name and select it

  3. Configure it as needed

You can also type / on the page to bring up the same list you'd see by selecting from the toolbar. Continue typing the name of the macro to filter the list.

In the macro body create a two column table:

  1. In the left column, list your 'keys' – these will be the column headings in your report table

  2. In the right column, list the value for each key – these will populate the rows in your report table

  3. Add a label to your page (you'll need to specify this label in the page properties report macro)

  4. Save your page.

Use the Page Properties Macro horizontally

To do this:

  • Create a two row rather than two column table, and ensure the first row has the heading row style applied.

  • List your keys in the first row, and values in the second row.

The Page Properties Report Macro will be able to pull this information accurately even if you're using the Page Properties Macro vertically elsewhere.

Next you need to add the Page Properties Report macro to another page.

Here's an example of the Page Properties macro when editing. Deadline, Current Status, and Team will be column headings in the report.

See how to edit the Page Properties macro for use in a Page Properties Report macro

Here's what the example above will look like in the Page Properties Report.

See how the details of a Page Properties macro get pulled into the Page Properties Report macro

Use multiple Page Properties macros on one page

You can add multiple Page Properties macros on a single page, and choose whether to include all or only specific macros in the report. You might use multiple macros because you want the information in the macro to display in context with the rest of the page, or because you want to be able to report on individual Page Properties macros separately. 

The Page Properties macro includes an optional ID parameter that can be used to identify specific Page Properties macros. 

To show the contents of all Page Properties macros in the report:

  1. Add a label to the page containing the Page Properties macros

  2. Specify this label in the Page Properties Report macro

To show the contents of selected Page Properties macros in the report:

  1. Add a label to the page containing the Page Properties macros

  2. Specify an ID in the Page Properties macro that you want to report on

  3. Specify both the label and ID in the Page Properties Report macro

The Page Properties Report macro can only accept one page label, and one ID.

See the Page Properties macro in action in How to document product requirements in Confluence. This powerful macro lets you create a summary page that pulls in information from multiple pages.

To edit the Page Properties macro:

  1. Select the macro placeholder.

  2. Select the Edit icon to open the configuration panel.

  3. Configure the parameters. Your changes are saved as you go.

  4. Resume editing the page, and the panel closes.

You can also select the centered , medium-width , and full-width icons to adjust the width of some macros. Select the trashcan iconto remove the macro.


Parameters are options that you can set to control what and how content from the macro appears on the page. 

If the parameter name used in Confluence Cloud storage format is different than the label used when inserting macros using the browser or the slash command, it will be listed below in brackets (example).




Page Properties ID


Optional ID used to identify a particular Page Properties macro on a page. Specify this ID in the Page Properties Report to include summary information from macros with this ID only.



Determines whether the data in the Page Properties macro will be displayed on the current page. This setting does not affect the display of the detail in the Page Properties Report macro.


  • You can't use macros in the left column as the data in this column is used to populate the column headings in your Page Properties Report macro. 

  • It is not possible to reference the metadata using the metadata key from within the page, or anywhere else on a Confluence page.

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