Repository options

You can configure options for repositories that affect settings like caching, permissions, polling period, etc. Some configuration options only apply to individual repositories, whereas others affect all repositories (defaults) in Fisheye.


To configure options:

  1. Click the 'cog' menu in the Fisheye header, and choose Administration (you'll need to be logged in as an administrator to see this link).
  2. Under 'Repository Settings', click either:
    • Defaults to configure options for all Fisheye repositories.
    • Repositories, and then the name of the repository, to configure options for a specific Fisheye repository. 
  3. Click a tab to configure those repository options. See the table below for links to further information about particular options.
  4. Click Save. When configuring options for a specific Fisheye repository, you can:
    • Click Test Connection to test Fisheye's connection to the repository.
    • Click Close Without Saving to abandon any changes you have made.


 Further information
OptionDefaults (all repositories)Specific repositoriesRequired Action
SCM detailsCheckout URLsConfiguring repository detailsSome repository details will prompt you to restart or re-index
Linkers *LinkersLinkersNA
Include/Exclude paths *Include Exclude pathsInclude Exclude pathsRestart so the changes take effect. Files and directories already indexed will remain visible until a Re-index is performed
Hidden directories *Hidden directoriesHidden directoriesRestart
TarballsTarball settingsTarball settingsRestart
Commit messagesCommit message syntaxCommit message syntaxNA
Other settings





Jira workflow triggersJira workflow triggers Jira workflow triggers NA

* The default entries will be used in addition to any you define at the repository level.

Some changes will require the repository to be restarted, while others will require the repository to be re-indexed. Fisheye will advise you if this is the case when you make the change. You can restart a repository from the 'Repositories' screen, by using the Restart function for the desired repository. See Managing your repositories for further details.

Defaults currently don't prompt for the required action. This is being tracked here: FE-5633 - Editing Repository Defaults doesn't warn about re-index or restart Closed .

Screenshot: Configuring options for the 'toolbox' repository

Last modified on Feb 14, 2019

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