This documentation relates to an earlier version of Atlassian Gadgets.

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

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This page is part of the Gadget Developers' JavaScript Cookbook.

What are the special userprefs used for?

There are a couple of UserPref values that the framework can use to add functionality to the gadget:

<UserPref name="isConfigured" datatype="hidden" default_value="false" />
<UserPref name="refresh" datatype="hidden" default_value="false"/>
<UserPref name="isPopup" datatype="hidden" default_value="false"/>


  • isConfigured — Specifies whether the gadget has been configured. If it has not been configured, the config screen is shown. If it has been configured, the view screen is shown.
  • refresh — Stores how often the gadget should automatically refresh.
  • isPopup — Is set by the server to determine whether the gadget is being displayed as a popup window, as opposed to inside a dashboard.


Gadget Developers' JavaScript Cookbook
Using the Atlassian Gadgets JavaScript Framework

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