Specifying your License Details
The information on this page only applies if you are using JIRA Agile with JIRA Server. If you are using JIRA Agile with JIRA Cloud, you do not need to install JIRA Agile as it is bundled as a commercial add-on. For more details, read Atlassian OnDemand and Add-ons (Plugins).
To specify your JIRA Agile license details:
- Log in as a user with the JIRA System Administrators global permission.
- Click the 'cog' icon on the top bar and select Add-ons.
- Click Manage Add-ons in the left menu.
- In the 'Filter visible add-ons' box, enter 'jira agile', then expand the 'JIRA Agile' entry in the filtered results.
- Click the pencil icon next to the License Key field to make it editable.
- Paste your license into the License Key field and click Update.
You can copy your JIRA Agile license from https://my.atlassian.com, where you can either generate a new Evaluation License Key, or retrieve your old License Key if you already have one.
License type must match the JIRA license type
Please note, if you are using a commercial (i.e. not an evaluation) license for JIRA Agile, it must match your JIRA license. For example, if you have a JIRA 25 User Commercial license you must have a JIRA Agile 25 User Commercial license. JIRA Agile evaluation licenses do not need to match JIRA licenses.
Screenshot: JIRA Agile License Information
Last modified on Jun 10, 2015
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