Create a project


In this stage, you will create a project. A JIRA project is a collection of issues. Your team could use a JIRA project to coordinate the development of a product, track a project, manage a help desk, and more, depending on your requirements.

You will also be customizing the JIRA look and feel in this stage. We have provided sample data below for you to use. You can use your own data and pictures, but the screenshots in this tutorial will show the sample data.

What is JIRA Junior?

You will notice that the sample data in this tutorial refers to the "JIRA Junior" product:

We invented JIRA Junior as an April's Fools joke. Sadly, it is not a real product.



Step 1. Create a project

In this step, you will be creating a project for your team to use. You should still be logged in to JIRA as an administrator, from the previous stage. If not, log in under that administrator account.
  1. Choose Projects > Create Project and choose JIRA Default Schemes.
  2. Enter JIRA Junior as the project name. Leave the project key set to its default value of JJ.
  3. Choose Submit to create your new project. 

The project for "JIRA Junior" will be created and you will be shown the project summary page.

Looking good! Let's make a few tweaks to really make your new project stand out.

About project keys

Each project has a unique name (e.g. JIRA Junior) and a unique key (e.g. JJ). The project key becomes the first part of that project's issue keys, e.g. JJ-1, JJ-2, etc.

Step 2. Customize your project

In this step, you will be customizing the project details and logo for your new project. Customizing your project helps your users to identify it more easily, particularly if you have many projects in your JIRA site.

You should be on the project summary page for the JIRA Junior project from the previous step, if not go to Projects > JIRA Junior (JJ).

  1. Choose the Administration tab > Edit Project button.
  2. Click the Project Avatar image and choose the Choose file button on the dialog that appears.
  3. Upload an image for the project avatar. Here's a sample image that you can use:
  4. Add a few more details, like a URL and a Description. These fields are only for display, so you can enter anything you want.
  5. Choose Update to save your changes.

We are not done yet. Let's polish up your site and user profile, so you can see how easy it is to customize the look and feel of JIRA.

Step 2. Customize your site

JIRA gives you control over the look and feel of your entire site. You can change the color scheme, logo, favicon, starting page (default dashboard) and more, to enhance the branding of your organisation or make it consistent with other systems.

In this step, you will be changing the site logo and the color scheme for your JIRA site.

  1. Navigate to the Look and Feel configuration for your JIRA site using the quick operation: . + look and feel.
  2. In the Logo section > Upload from File field, choose the Choose File button.
  3. Choose an image for your JIRA logo in the dialog that appears. Here's a sample image that you can use:
  4. Choose the Upload Logo button on the Look and Feel screen. Your logo will be uploaded. Note that the color scheme for your site will also be automatically changed to match the colors of your logo.

About the color scheme

You can also manually change the colors of different elements of JIRA in the Colors section of the Look and Feel screen, if you don't like the automatic color scheme.

Step 3. Update your user avatar

Now that your site is branded, let's get you a better picture for your user avatar. JIRA has a set of default avatar images to choose from, but in this step, you will be adding your own avatar picture.

Adding an avatar picture helps other users identify you at a glance, when you interact with JIRA. For example, when you comment on an issue, your avatar picture will display next to your comment.

  1. Choose the user dropdown in the JIRA header. It will look like this: . Choose Profile from the menu.
  2. Click the Avatar image and choose the Choose file button on the dialog that appears. 
  3. Upload an image for your avatar. You will be able to crop it before it is resized for you. Here's a sample image that you can use:
  4. Navigate back to the JIRA Junior project summary to see all of your new changes: Projects > JIRA Junior (JJ).

Gravatars for user avatars

JIRA also supports Gravatars for user avatars. If you enable Gravatar support for your site, JIRA will automatically use the Gravatar associated with each user's email address in JIRA.

(tick) Congratulations! You have created a new project and customized the look and feel of JIRA.

Next steps

Next you will learn how to create an issue in JIRA.

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Last modified on Sep 17, 2015

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