Project shortcuts

You can add shortcuts to the project navigation sidebar to web pages and online information that you think your team may find useful. When you add a link, it will be available to all users who can access the project. The shortcuts can be accessed when the sidebar is collapsed by hovering over the shortcut icon, however to add, edit or delete a shortcut the sidebar must be expanded.

To add, delete or edit a link, you need to have the Jira Administrator permission or the Project Administrator permission. When adding or editing a link you also need to have the full web address, and you can optionally give it a label that will show in the project navigation sidebar. Labeling the shortcuts makes it easier to identify where the link will take you.

Add a shortcut

  1. On the top navigation bar, click the white triangle next to Projects. The projects drop-down will display.
    (tick) Tip: You can access your current project directly by simply clicking the Projects link instead of the triangle.
  2. Click the project you wish to browse. If the project is not displayed in the drop-down, click View All Projects, which allows you to view a list of all accessible projects on your JIRA instance, and select your project from there.
  3. Select Add link in the project navigation sidebar.
  4. Enter the web address for your shortcut and an optional label, then select Add. Your shortcut will display in the project navigation sidebar.

Note that you must enter a valid web address that JIRA recognizes. These must be prefixed with a valid URI. The valid URI's are listed below.

Edit a shortcut

  1. Access the project navigation sidebar as you did above, and locate the shortcut you'd like to edit.
  2. Select the drop-down arrow to the right of the shortcut.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Edit the link details, and select Save. Your shortcut has been edited.

Delete a shortcut

  1. Access the project navigation sidebar as you did above, and locate the shortcut you'd like to delete.
  2. Select the drop-down arrow to the right of the shortcut.
  3. Select Delete. Confirm the deletion. Your shortcut has been deleted and removed from the project navigation sidebar.

List of Valid URI's

"http://", "https://", "mailto:", "skype:", "callto:", "facetime:", "git:", "irc:", "irc6:", "news:", "nntp:", "feed:", "cvs:", "svn:", "mvn:", "ssh:", "itms:", "notes:", "smb:", "hipchat:"

Last modified on Jul 1, 2021

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