GitHub pull request always shown Open in the Jira issue
The merged Pull request is still shown as open on the Jira issue key's Development panel.
Cloud Only
The status of the merged PR in GitHub would not be updated the Jira. The issue would still show the PR as open. The workaround for the user would be to navigate to the GitHub app configuration from Apps->GitHub and run and run "Full" sync.
Link for the GitHub plugin configuration would be - https://<site URL>/plugins/servlet/ac/com.github.integration.production/github-post-install-page
- Check if the Sync status on the GitHub plugin is updated with the recent timestamp.
As of now, there is a limitation on the GitHub end to sync the status of the merge is managed by any using any other app. Basically, when PR is updated by another Github app (Jenkins bot this case as highlighted above), Github's JIRA app ignores state changes. They implemented this limitation to prevent infinite loops where one app reacts to action from another and so on. They are aware of the problem, but will not give an ETA.
Here is a link to the GitHub request - [].
The customer could also connect directly with GitHub to understand if the Sync is not happening due to the above reason.