Filtering issues
It can be easy to lose focus when you're planning work across multiple projects, releases, teams, and more. By filtering the issues that are displaying in your plan, you can focus your attention on a specific scope of your plan.
Sample plan, with the teams filter applied
The following filters are available to use:
Release | Choose the relevant releases from the releases included in the plan. Note that when you filter the issues in your plan using releases, the release icons in your plan will also be filtered. |
Team | Choose the relevant teams from the teams existing in the plan. |
Project | Choose the relevant projects from the projects being used as issue sources in the plan. |
Component | Choose the relevant components from the components being used by the issues in the plan. |
Label | Choose the relevant labels from the labels being used by the issues in the plan. |
Dependencies | Choose which issues with dependencies to display, using any of the following:
As an option, you can choose to include the dependency chain of a specific issue. This effectively filters both the direct dependencies and indirect dependencies of the issue. For example, in your plan, you have TIS-1 blocking TIS-2 — with TIS-2 also blocking TIS-6 and PERF-1. If you specifically filter for TIS-1, and you include its dependency chain, then the direct dependency TIS-2, and the indirect dependencies TIS-6 and PERF-1 will display in the plan. See Managing dependencies to know more about dependencies. |
Status | Choose the relevant statuses of the issues that you want to see in the plan. |
Issue details | Filter issues by entering either the issue key or issue summary. |
Filtering issues
When you're filtering issues, some issues that do not directly match the applied filters may still display in your plan. This means that all the parent issues up to the corresponding highest hierarchy level, and all the child issues down to the corresponding lowest hierarchy level will be displayed. What will not be displayed are the sibling issues, if these issues do not match the filters that have been set.
For example, if you're filtering for issues in the TIS project, and there are TIS issues that have child issues coming from the PERF project, then the following will happen, as shown in the sample plan below:
- TIS issues will be shaded in a solid color, i.e. solid gray in the sample plan, and
- PERF issues (which are children of TIS issues) will be displayed in a lighter shade.
To filter issues in a plan:
- In your plan, click the Filters drop-down.
- Select which values to apply, for any of the available filters.
To quickly remove all filters and view all issues in your plan, click Clear all filters.
Using multiple filters
You can use use multiple filters, to further narrow down on the work you're trying to focus on.
For example, if you're filtering for only the issues that have dependencies, you may see your plan displaying something like this:
To further narrow down on the results, let's say you're filtering for the issues that are assigned to release 1.2. Your plan will then display the following:
The filtered results indicate the following:
- Even if TIS-6 and PERF-1 have dependencies, these issues are not displaying because these are not assigned to release 1.2.
- Being the parent issue of the epics displayed, TIS-149 is an indirect result of the filters applied. TIS-149 is then displaying in a lighter shade of gray.