Portfolio for JIRA Home

Portfolio for JIRA enables realistic strategic planning, regardless of how many teams or people you have working towards your goals. It provides a single source of truth into the current and future health of your initiatives. Portfolio for JIRA uses what-if scenarios, the data in your JIRA applications, and an intuitive interface to help your company efficiently view, plan, and manage initiatives. Teams use Portfolio for JIRA to create reliable forecasts, stay informed with realistic schedules, and troubleshoot and manage releases in an ever-changing environment.

Get started

Create a plan from your existing data in your JIRA application, and roll up epics into initiatives for a cross-team, cross-project view.

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What’s new

Learn about the latest and greatest changes in yourPortfolio for JIRA Server plans.

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Discovering Portfolio for JIRA

Teams use to effectively plan work by creating reliable forecasts, staying informed with realistic schedules, and effectively troubleshooting and managing releases in an ever-changing environment. 

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Add-on administration

In the following section, you'll learn how to install and upgrade , as well as how to grant access to user groups that work with .

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A program allows you to view aggregated information of your initiatives across multiple plans. This feature is currently in the beta phase of development.

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A plan contains your issues, teams, and releases, and allows you to calculate the schedule of your projects. You can create any number of plans, which can be accessed by different users and groups.

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Scheduling and timeline

The schedule is one of core capabilities of . The scheduling algorithm will automatically assign teams to issues, take dependencies and priorities into account, and generate a realistic forecast.

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Plans feature a seamless integration with . Changes that happen in the selected agile boards and projects will be reflected in your plan in .

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 lets you add  users as team members to your plan, as well as virtual users.

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The plan data is always up to date allowing you to track your releases' progress and know if they will be completed on time.

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The Reports section gives you a graphical overview of the different aspects of your plan.

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Classic plans

Portfolio classic plans documentation

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Last modified on Sep 5, 2017
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