Configuring the customer portal

Your service desk project comes with a customizable customer-facing site called the customer portal that customers can use to raise and track requests. If you link your project to a Confluence knowledge base space, customers can also self-service issues by searching for relevant articles.

To access your customer portal, click Customer channels in the project sidebar:

On this page:

You need to be an administrator for your project to make the following changes.

Set up request types

You can customize the types of requests that customers raise from the portal. To create and manage request types, visit Project settings > Request types. 

Jira Service Desk includes several request types that address common IT help scenarios. The request types are organized into groups to help customers find what they need on the portal. 

For example, you can add a "Common Requests" group to help customers address issues like system problems or IT support.

To learn more about customizing request types, check out Setting up request types.

Brand your portal

You can customize your customer portal to reflect your team and company's brand with the following two steps: 

  1. In Project settings > Portal settings, add a portal logo and a short description:
    Your logo also appears in notifications sent by your service desk. Read more about customer notifications.
  2. Follow the link View and change your Customer Portal announcement to add a message unique to your project portal. 

Add transitions

You can show transitions on the customer portal so that customers can transition requests. For example, say an agent shares a knowledge base article with a customer. If the article solves the customer's problem, then the customer can resolve the request.

To add a transition to the portal, you edit an existing transition in the workflow.

  1. In your service desk project, click Project settings > Workflows.
  2. Click  next to the workflow that contains the transition you want to add to the portal.
  3. Click Diagram to open the diagram view.
  4. Click the transition in the workflow, and then select Show transition on the customer portal.

Customer transitions behave slightly differently than other workflow transitions:

  • Screens don't display on the customer portal. When you add a transition to the portal, you can set a resolution for requests that customers transition.
  • When an issue is transitioned from the portal, it bypasses any validators that are defined for the transition.

If it seems like the portal transition isn't working properly, make sure there isn't an automation rule in conflict with the transition.

To learn more about workflows and transitions, see the advanced workflow configuration page.

Manage access to your portal

You can allow customers to create their own accounts in the portal, or limit access to customers that your team adds. To learn more about different access options, see Managing access to your service desk.

The customer portal integrates with Atlassian CrowdAtlassian's single sign-on (SSO) framework. For information about integrating with third-party SSO providers, see this page.

View all portals in your Help Center

The Help Center shows all of the customer portals in your Jira site:

Customers can access the Help Center at the following URL: 


From the Help Center, customers can raise requests in any of the portals they have access to. They can also view and search their requests in Requests.

Last modified on Jul 20, 2018

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