Cannot add <USER> but the <USER> doesn't exist in the User Management
When trying to create a new user the following ERROR
Could not execute JDBC batch update
Duplicate entry '<USER>' for key 2
You are running release CR2.7.3 FE2.7.3 (20110920012939 2011-09-20), please report your release number when reporting bugs.
This is probably happening because Fisheye and Crucible are disabled for that user.
You should query you FeCru database to check that user:
mysql> SELECT * cru_user_id, cru_fisheye_enabled, cru_crucible_enabled FROM cru_user where cru_user_name = <USER>;
This will bring the value for both collums, if they are empty here is the problem and we should do the following:
mysql> UPDATE cru_user SET cru_fisheye_enabled = '1',cru_crucible_enabled = '1' WHERE cru_user_id = '<USER_ID>';
This will enable Fisheye and Crucible for the <USER>.
Last modified on Jul 31, 2018
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