How to re-index Crucible review data


Crucible's cache has become corrupt and the information displayed in the application is not consistent with the data in the database. The following procedure will recreate the Lucene index for Crucible reviews and comments. The Lucene index is used to populate review dashboards and is utilized to provide search functionality.


Re-index Crucible´s cache by doing the following:

  1. Go to Administration >> Global Settings > Crucible
  2. Click on "Re-Index".

There is no visual queue in the application that identifies the index progress but you can identify when it has commenced and completed by looking for the following lines in your application log:


Starting review re-indexing


Completed review re-indexing


2012-11-15 13:19:58,682 INFO  [pool-7-thread-1 ] DefaultReviewItemIndexer$3-run - Starting review re-indexing

2012-11-15 13:19:58,894 INFO  [pool-7-thread-1 ] DefaultReviewItemIndexer$3-run - Completed review re-indexing of 2 documents, took 0 seconds

If the re-indexing doesn´t work manually remove Crucible´s cache to force a Crucible content re-index:

  1. Shut down the application.
  2. Remove the contents of the <FISHEYE_INST>/cache/cruidx folder.
  3. Restart the application.

Although this process doesn't prevent access to the application, reviews will only be visible in the application after they have been indexed. This process may take a some time depending on review size and number so consider performing this operation after hours.

Last modified on May 9, 2018

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