MySQL Database Migration fails with Specified key was too long max key length is 1000 bytes

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Getting error below inside fisheye-debug.log when migrating database to MySQL server:

Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)


There is a known bug with MySQL related to MyISAM, the UTF8 character set and indexes that you can check here.


  1. Make sure MySQL is configured with the InnoDB storage engine.
  2. Change the storage engine used by default so that new tables will always be created appropriately:

    set GLOBAL storage_engine='InnoDb';

    For MySQL 5.6 and later, use the following:

    mysql> SET GLOBAL default_storage_engine = 'InnoDB';
  3. And finally make sure that you're following the instructions provided in Migrating to MySQL.


Last modified on Feb 19, 2016

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