Recent commits are not visible in Crucible review

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Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


Recent commits are not visible in Crucible review. When tried to browse change sets while creating a review, the latest commits don't appear in Crucible


Fisheye/Crucible version 4.5.0. May be applicable for other versions of Fisheye

SCM tool - Bitbucket

Repository type - Git


  1. There are no specific errors in the logs. We can see the recent commits are indexed in Fisheye.

    YYYY-MM-DD 10:38:17,111 INFO  [IncrPing1 myrepo ] fisheye BaseRepositoryScanner-ping - processing repository myrepo (myrepo)
    YYYY-MM-DD 10:38:17,111 INFO  [IncrPing1 myrepo ] fisheye LifecycleRepositoryScanner-doSlurpTransaction - Starting slurp of myrepo (myrepo)
    YYYY-MM-DD 10:38:17,111 INFO  [IncrPing1 myrepo ] fisheye BaseRepositoryScanner-ping - done slurp for repository myrepo (myrepo) time = 0 ms
  2. Verify if you have 2 different users Bob ( and bob ( while browsing change sets. One of the user has a profile picture, while the other doesn't have. The commits from the are not showing.
  3. Navigate to Review >> Add Content >> Browse change sets >> Type any under User and click apply. Verify if the latest commits (which were missing before) show up now.


The users have different emails Bob ( , in the commits. The user does not exists in SCM or Crucible, but the user exists in SCM and also Crucible. When the user Bob with email ( pushes as commit, it appears both in SCM and Crucible. Whereas the user with pushes a commit, it doesn't appear. Its caused due to missing user in SCM, Crucible.


To associate user commits to Crucible user you could do the following:

  1. Navigate to Administration >> UserSettings >> User Mappings.
  2. Select the repository under Add a new user mapping and click Add.
  3. Select user bob with under Committer username and Bob with email under Fisheye username.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Confirm if the commits are now visible in Crucible.

Last modified on Jul 3, 2023

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