Recent commits are not visible in Crucible review
Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Except Fisheye and Crucible
Recent commits are not visible in Crucible review. When tried to browse change sets while creating a review, the latest commits don't appear in Crucible
Fisheye/Crucible version 4.5.0. May be applicable for other versions of Fisheye
SCM tool - Bitbucket
Repository type - Git
There are no specific errors in the logs. We can see the recent commits are indexed in Fisheye.
YYYY-MM-DD 10:38:17,111 INFO [IncrPing1 myrepo ] fisheye BaseRepositoryScanner-ping - processing repository myrepo (myrepo) YYYY-MM-DD 10:38:17,111 INFO [IncrPing1 myrepo ] fisheye LifecycleRepositoryScanner-doSlurpTransaction - Starting slurp of myrepo (myrepo) YYYY-MM-DD 10:38:17,111 INFO [IncrPing1 myrepo ] fisheye BaseRepositoryScanner-ping - done slurp for repository myrepo (myrepo) time = 0 ms
- Verify if you have 2 different users Bob ( and bob ( while browsing change sets. One of the user has a profile picture, while the other doesn't have. The commits from the are not showing.
- Navigate to Review >> Add Content >> Browse change sets >> Type any under User and click apply. Verify if the latest commits (which were missing before) show up now.
The users have different emails Bob ( , in the commits. The user does not exists in SCM or Crucible, but the user exists in SCM and also Crucible. When the user Bob with email ( pushes as commit, it appears both in SCM and Crucible. Whereas the user with pushes a commit, it doesn't appear. Its caused due to missing user in SCM, Crucible.
To associate user commits to Crucible user you could do the following:
- Navigate to Administration >> UserSettings >> User Mappings.
- Select the repository under Add a new user mapping and click Add.
- Select user bob with under Committer username and Bob with email under Fisheye username.
- Click Add.
- Confirm if the commits are now visible in Crucible.