Diagrams of Possible Configurations for User Management

The aim of these diagrams is to help people understand each directory type at a glance. We have kept the diagrams simple and conceptual, with just enough information to be correct.

Some things that we do not attempt to show:

  • In most cases, we do not attempt to show that you can have multiple directory types mapped to HipChat Server at the same time. We illustrate that fact in just the first two LDAP diagrams.
  • We do not attempt to show all of the possible configurations and layered connections that are available when you use a JIRA application as a directory manager.

On this page:

HipChat Server Internal Directory


Diagram above: HipChat Server using its internal directory for user management.

HipChat Server Connecting to JIRA Application


Diagram above: HipChat Server connecting to a JIRA application for user management. The JIRA application does the user management, storing the user data in its internal directory.

HipChat Server Connecting to Crowd


Diagram above: HipChat Server connecting to Crowd for user management.

HipChat Server Connecting to JIRA Application with JIRA Application Connecting to LDAP


Diagram above: HipChat Server connecting to a JIRA application for user management, with the JIRA application in turn connecting to an LDAP server.


Last modified on May 10, 2016

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