How to create a Scorecard value on an Epic in Jira Align

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A scorecard is a list of questions and answers that are aimed to characterize a project. Scorecards allow organizations that score and rank projects in their portfolio to execute their strategic planning process.


Jira Align


Before creating a scorecard, it would be necessary to enable the following fields on the Portfolio level.

  • Go to Administration > Settings > Platform and click the Portfolio Specific Configuration button. Select the portfolio you need and enable Scorecards and Value Engineering:

Creating the Scorecard

To create a scorecard:

  1. Select Administration from the left menu bar, and then click Platform under Settings.

  2. On the Portfolio tab, click Manage Here next to Scorecard Configuration.

  3. Type the scorecard's name and description in the corresponding boxes, and then click Add.

  4. Type your question in the New Question box, type its point value, and then click Add.

  5. Type an answer to the question and the percentage from the question's points you get for that answer, and then click Add.
    Note: Points you get for an answer are automatically calculated based on the question's points and answer percentage

  6. Repeat Step 6 for as many answers as you have.
    Note: The answer ranked as the first one in the list will be the default selection.

To edit a scorecard:

  1. Select the necessary scorecard from the Edit Scorecard drop-down menu.

  2. Edit a question or an answer. The changes are saved automatically.
    Note: You can move your questions and answers by clicking the up and down arrows. To delete your question or answer, click the cross sign next to it.

Creating an Epic

  1. Select Portfolio from the left menu bar.

  2. Under the Manage section of the menu bar, select Epics; the Epics page displays.

  3. On the toolbar (top-right of the page), click the Add Epic button.

  4. Complete the required fields, and then click Save & Close.

After applying the steps on your Portfolio, creating Scorecards and an Epic, you can set the Epic Scorecard values on the Value tab.

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Last modified on Feb 5, 2024

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