Roadmap Progress Calculation in Jira Align

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What formula is used for the calculation of Roadmap % complete?


Jira Align


What formula is used for the calculation of Roadmap % complete?

If a work item is in a final state (state 5 for Feature, state 3 for Theme, Epic, capability), we have 100% complete.If a work item is not in a final state, and Total Points = 0, then 0%.If not in 1st or 2nd, then Total Accepted Points/Total Points*100.

Should the Roadmap % complete change with top-tier options?

Roadmap results depend on Tier1 selection. When some work items do not correspond with Tier1 selection, those work items are not included in calculations.

Should the % complete on Roadmap match the % complete on individual Epic when opened with the details panel?

Epic can be assigned to multiple programs and PIs. In Epic’s slide out there is general info for that specific Epic and total amount of work items and story points for all assigned programs and PIs. For Roadmaps, Tier1 selection can’t be multiple programs/solutions/portfolios. Even if a few org structures are in Tier1, Roadmap displays results only for the first one.

Last modified on Feb 15, 2024

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