Story of type Template being converted to type User - Jira Align

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A Story created as a type Template is automatically converted to type User


Jira Align


The below message can be seen on the audit log of the Story:

 By External System on MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS Updated - Story Type- From [Template] To [User]


This is happening because the Story is set to sync with Jira, where a Jira Project was selected on its panel, and by default, all stories that sync with Jira are type User.


There are two possible solutions for this, although each one needs a change in configuration and has its own drawbacks.

1- Don't sync the Template with Jira

If the Template Story is not synced with Jira, its Type will not change, so it will remain usable. To avoid the sync, during the creation of it, the Jira Project field can't be mandatory, otherwise, it will not be possible to do it.
To disable this field as mandatory 2 places need to be checked/altered:

  • Settings > Details Panel Settings: select Portfolio + Feature > Check that the Jira Project field is not marked as mandatory

  • Settings > Jira Settings > Jira Setup: Make selection of Jira projects mandatory when creating items = NO

The drawback of this approach is that, as the field is not mandatory anymore when creating Stories/Features/Epics, the users need to pay attention to selecting this info, otherwise, they will create an item that will not sync (which can cause confusion). Also, the change would apply to all the Projects that are integrated into the connector.

2- Create an Issue Type Template on Jira

The second possible approach is to create a custom issue type on Jira and use it to integrate with the Template, so something like a Story Template.

  1. Create the issue Type on Jira, associate with the Project

  2. On Settings > Jira Settings > Custom Issue Types > fill the new issue Id and select type Template > Save

This way, when creating the Template, it will sync with Jira as the new type created on it,  and the connector will not change its type to User, so it will be available to be used as intended.

As this is an item that will be on Jira, there is the risk that people will update it, or move it unexpectedly, and also, there is the risk of incorrectly creating items of this type, which could cause problems with reports/calculations.

Last modified on Feb 23, 2024

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