Testing connectivity and authentication to SQL Server for Jira Align Self-Hosted

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The Microsoft SQL Server Databases for a Jira Align On-premise deployment can be hosted in different ways, such as:

  • SQL Server installation on the same server as Jira Align

    • Connections are made to the local server by IP or by the server name. Example: sameserverasjiraalign.mydomain.com

  • Dedicated Microsoft SQL Server

    • Connections are made to the remove / dedicated SQL Server. Example: customerserver001.customerlocaldomain.com

  • AWS RDS for Microsoft SQL Server

    • Example: Endpoint just.an.example.c8z9qk2h1sm2.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com

  • Azure SQL Database

    • Example: Server name companysqlserver.database.windows.net

To verify that the SQL credentials and server details are correct and functional, this article shows how to test connection and authentication to the SQL Server in an easy way using SQLCMD, ODBC connection, or UDL file


Jira Align Self-Hosted


The following SQL Server attributes are needed to test the connection:

  • Server hostname and Server port

  • SQL user ID and password

Consider the following example of a connection string

 <add name="Main" connectionString="Data Source=,1433;Initial Catalog=Agilecraft;Integrated Security=false;User Id=sqluser1;Password=Atlassian@321;Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;" />
Test using Powershell


From the Jira Align web server machine:

  • Open a command prompt or PowerShell


Use SQLcmd to connect to a SQL Server, for this example:

  • sqlcmd -S -d agilecraft -U sqluser1 -P Atlassian@321

  • If the 1> is shown, the authentication was successful

Successful Connection

Failed connection


After successfully connected, you can run a simple query to confirm permission

use AgileCraft
    press enter
   press enter
select top 1 VersionName from dbo.tblVersion
   press enter
   Press Enter


Another option is to use the command:

Invoke-Sqlcmd -HostName "(local)" -Database master -Query "SELECT @@VERSION" -OutputSqlErrors $true

Note that the user running the command on Windows needs to have access to the master table on the db

Test with an ODBC Connection


From the Jira Align web server machine:

  • Run odbcad32.exe (ODBC Datasource Administrator)

  • Click on Add
  • Select SQL Server Native Client
  • Click on Finish

  • Enter a name for the connection

  • Enter the server address with the port.

    • format is, 2222 where is the server IP and 2222 the port number

  • Click Next

  • Enter the Credentials

    • Login ID: the SQL User

    • Password
  • Click Next


No changes needed on the next 2 screens

  • click Next
  • Click Finish


Click on Test Datasource and review the results

Test with a Data Link file


From the Jira Align web server machine:

  • Right Click on any folder
  • Select New > Text Document
  • Save the file with a .udl extension
    • example: Text.udl


Right-click the new Data Link file and choose Properties

  • Enter Server hostname or IP address and port

  • Enter User name and password

  • Click on Test Connection

Last modified on Feb 13, 2024

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