'This discrepancy does not impact the Feature, it only means that your planned work on the Roadmap is different than the Program Board' message in Jira Align

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A warning message appears on the Feature below the Target Sprints which states:

Target Sprints: This Feature is planned to be worked on from sprint6 (Begins: dd/mm/yyyy) to sprint6 (Ends: dd/mm/yyyy) on the Program Board. This discrepancy does not impact the Feature, it only means that your planned work on the Roadmap is different than the Program Board 


Jira Align


Warning message is on the Feature and is similar to:

Target Sprints: This Feature is planned to be worked on from sprint6 (Begins: dd/mm/yyyy) to sprint6 (Ends: dd/mm/yyyy) on the Program Board. This discrepancy does not impact the Feature, it only means that your planned work on the Roadmap is different than the Program Board 


The "Begin Work" and "Finish Work" fields in the Program Board view of the Feature are automatically populated to ensure initial alignment between the Feature, Roadmap and Program Board. However they can become misaligned with a change made in the Feature or in the Roadmap view.

  • If the Feature’s Target sprints are updated from the Features grid, it will only show the changes in the Roadmap, not on the Program Board

  • If the Feature's Target sprints are updated from the Program board, then changes are not shown in the Feature nor in the Roadmap


Check that the Target Sprints in the Feature match the Roadmap view of the Feature AND

Check the Program Board as this is usually where the problem lies.



In Program Board

Click on the Feature

Above "Stories" there is a "Details: Click Here" link

 Check that the "Begin Work" is set to S13

Last modified on Mar 15, 2024

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