WSJF table headers displayed in Feature grid Prioritization despite toggle disablement

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The Features grid Prioritization is showing the WSJF table headers without any values even though the WSJF Prioritization toggle is disabled for Features under their Portfolio under the Details Panels Settings.


Jira Align


  • Confirm if the WSJF Prioritization toggle is disabled for Features under their Portfolio under the Details Panels Settings
  • In the Feature Prioritization screen, we can observe that only the Feature category displays WSJF values, as depicted in the above screenshot.
  • If not the above, we can find the Feature causing the issue by running an inspect element on the WSJF Field populating for one Feature in the Prioritization page as shown below-

We can see that the action onClick showEstimationPageWSJF can be used to track the affected Feature, In the example attached the affected Feature is 13213.


The issue can be reproduced when a Multi-Program Feature has the currently selected Program as the additional Program, while its Primary Program is associated with a Portfolio where WSJF is configured to show:

  • We have a Feature that uses Multi-Program Approach, and the Primary Program of the Feature is in a Portfolio that uses the WSFJ, but the secondary Program (Additional Program) doesn't
  • The secondary program will be the one filtered in the current navigation selection
  • The Feature that causes it to happen can be easily identified, as that will have the values and drop-down for the WSFJ, while the others don't
    • In the example screenshot attached, Feature ID 13213 is the one causing the issue


The issue can be resolved by checking the following:

  • Check the Feature causing the issue to understand which Primary and Secondary Program it belongs to
  • Examine the portfolio to which each of these programs belongs
  • Confirm if those Portfolios have the WSJF Config disabled through the Details Panels Settings
  • Once the WSJF is disabled, check the Prioritization tab and notice that the issue is resolved

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Last modified on Feb 23, 2024

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