Searching for issues and filtering

Creating issues is important, and its equally as important to be able to search and manage multiple issues to ensure you and your team work together well. In this step, we will show you how to work with multiple issues. You will learn how to use different search techniques to find issues. We will also show you how to share search results with your team and report on issues.

Create some more issues 

Before you start, you are going to need a few more issues. Create a few more in your Jira Core project, using the sample data below.

  • Issue Type = Task and Summary = Brainstorm new designs
  • Issue Type = Task and Summary = Approve new t-shirt design
  • Issue Type = Task,Summary = Send mockup to printers and Assignee = kate

Want to create issues in bulk?

If you're familiar with the CSV format, you can create a CSV file to import issues in bulk. This can be handy if you're handling a lot of data.

Search for issues 

In this example, we are going tackle a common scenario: searching for all unresolved issues assigned to you. You might regularly run a search like this to check your backlog of work.

  1. From your Jira Core Cloud site header, select Issues > Search for Issues. You should see issues from your demo project and any other projects you have access to. 
  2. Set Assignee = Current User in the search criteria.

    (info) Notice that the search results refresh when you select new criteria.

  3. Choose More > type Resolution then select it.

  4. Set Resolution = Unresolved. The search results will show the issues that are unresolved and assigned to you.

If you are thinking that it would be handy to be able to rerun this search, we have got you covered! Hover over the expand icon () icon in the top left and choose My Open Issues. Keep this screen open for the next step. 

Save your search 

If you run a search with the same criteria frequently, you may want to save it as a filter. This lets you run the search again with a single click, rather than selecting the same criteria every time. For example, you may use a filter to review your open tasks for the day.

In this step, you will search for all tasks assigned to Kate in the Dragon Design Tees project, and then save this search as a filter.

  1. Select Issues > Search for Issues to start a new search.
  2. Set Project = Dragon Design Tees and Assignee = kate as the criteria. You should see at least one issue. 
  3. Select Save As (above the search criteria), enter Kate Dragon Design issues as the Filter Name and save it.

That's it! Hover over the expand icon () in the top left. You can see your new filter under the Favorite Filters section. Just click it to run it. Let's now look at some of the ways that you can use your new issue filter.

Share your search results

Getting your team on the same page is easy with shared filters. You could share a filter with your team that shows the unresolved stories for a development iteration, or the critical issues in a support backlog.

Here are two ways that you can share search results:

Email the search results

Run the desired filter, then choose Share. Enter the users that you want to share the filter with and they will be emailed a link to your filter (if you have email notifications set up).

Share the search results via a dashboard 

The dashboard is the screen that all Jira Core users see when they first log in. You can show a filter's results on a dashboard and share it with other users.

  1. Choose Dashboards > Manage Dashboards, then choose Create new dashboard.
  2. Name your dashboard Dragon Design Tees and choose the +Add button next to Add Shares to share it with everyone.
  3. Leave the other fields and choose Add.
  4. Choose Dragon Design Tees in the Favorite Dashboards section to configure it.
  5. Choose add a new gadget to open the 'Gadget Directory'.
  6. Enter filter results in the search box and choose Add It Now.
  7. Enter Kate Dragon Design issues in the Saved filter field and choose Save.
Other users can now add this dashboard by choosing it as a favorite.

That's it! You've now performed some searches and filters, and learned to to save and share them with your team. You're ready to jump right in and experience the full power of Jira Core!

You've now completed the Getting started as a user tutorial. For more information on using Jira Core, continue to the Jira Core documentation home

Last modified on Oct 6, 2021

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