"Attach Screenshot" doeesn't work in Internet Explorer and re-directs to JAVA downloads website
JIRA applications 'Attach Screenshot' tool fails to load, instead the pop-up window re-directs to Oracle website.
- The client machine already has java properly installed and enabled.
- Occurs when using the Screenshot tool in Internet Explorer 11 despite having java enabled in the browser, however the tool works fine with other browsers on the same machine.
- Affects JIRA 6.1.x and above
The issue may be related to a bug that occurred in JIRA 6.1.x: JRA-36416 - Getting issue details... STATUS . This bug however has been fixed in JIRA 6.2.
- Use the Attach Image for JIRA plugin instead (not available for OnDemand customers)
- Try using another browser with Java enabled e.g Chrome, Firefox
- Using IE developer tools use the emulator tool to change the 'User Agent String' to 'Internet Explorer 10'.
- Upgrade the JIRA installation to JIRA 6.2
- If the issue persists in JIRA 6.2 you may need to re-install java on the client machine:
- Start Internet Explorer.
Navigate to this link and download java - http://java.com/en/download/ie_manual.jsp
Download java again even if you have it installed
- Re-install Java.
- Try Attach Screenshot again.