Available Workflow Actions do not Match Workflow Transitions

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Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


When viewing an issue, the actions listed under "Available Workflow Actions" do not match the transition names configured.


When editing the default workflow or a copy of the default workflow, a number of transitions are internationalized. The names for the transitions are displayed based on the selected language rather than the workflow transition name entered through the web interface.


To fix this, remove the property that associates the key with its internationalization settings as follows:

  1. Copy or create a draft of the current workflow using the "Workflows" link in the "Global Settings" section of the administration panel.
  2. Navigate to the new workflow's steps using the "Steps" link on the "Workflows" page.
  3. Navigate to the renamed transition by clicking its name in the new workflow
  4. Click the "Edit" link to begin editing the name
  5. A note will appear with wording like the following:

    Note that this transition has a parameter jira.i18n.title with value resolveissue.title. This will be used as the internationalised key for the displayed name of the transition. You can edit or delete this parameter here.

  6. Click the word "here" to view the property that sets the title.
  7. Click the "remove" link to remove the property.
  8. Create a workflow scheme for the new workflow using the "Workflow Schemes" link in the "Schemes" section of the administration panel.
  9. Assign the new workflow scheme using the "Administer Project" link on the project home page.

For more details about editing workflows, refer to Configuring Workflow.

Last modified on Jan 25, 2023

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