Can't complete the sprint

Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


A user is unable to complete a sprint due to the button "Complete Sprint"  being grayed out. 

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You don't have the right permissions: You must have the JIRA 'Manage Sprints' permission for all projects which JIRA Board BoardA include. BoardA is the board owning the SprintA. 


Resolutions are ways to fix problems in the application once and for all, generally these wouldn't be hacky solutions.

  1. Check JQL (filter) for the BoardA, it should show which project are included in the board. 
    1. When the board has a complex filter, simplify the filter. See Using Manage Sprints permission for advanced cases for more details on how to proceed 
  2. For each included project, check permission for UserA using Permission helper: it should show that user has a Manage Sprints permission.
    1. Fix/add permissions, if required 
  3. If the problem still persist, most probably that SprintA doesn't really belongs to BoardA. The fact that SprintA displays at BoardA doesn't mean that BoardA owns it, SprintA could be owned by BoardB. Steps to check this:
    1. Find ID of SprintA, let's say it's 7, see Jira Software: How to identify the ID of a sprint
    2. Find ID of BoardA, let's say it's 1, you can get it from URL: secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=1
    3. Check mapping from AO_60DB71_SPRINT table by running SQL:

      select "ID","NAME","RAPID_VIEW_ID" from "AO_60DB71_SPRINT" where "ID"= <ID of SprintA>;


       select "ID","NAME","RAPID_VIEW_ID" from "AO_60DB71_SPRINT" where "ID"=7;
       ID |   NAME   | RAPID_VIEW_ID
        7 | Sprint 4 |             1
    4. Check if RAPID_VIEW_ID matches ID_BoardA, if it doesn't then SprintA is owned by BoardB. Now you have id of BoardB. 

    5. If SprintA is owned by BoardB, then repeat Steps 1 and 2 taking into account BoardB. 

DescriptionA user is unable to complete a sprint due to the button "Complete Sprint" being grayed out. 
Last modified on Mar 16, 2021

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