Can't Create JIRA Issues after Setting up Integration with Fisheye or Crucible

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When attempting to create an issue, having set up Trusted Application(s) between JIRA and Fisheye/Crucible. You get the following error:


Usually this problem is caused by the applications links not being set up correctly which can happen if you had previously set up Trusted Applications in JIRA and Fisheye/Crucible.

If you are not using application links, then it may be because you have not added the slash '/' at the URL Paths to Allow field.


If you are using Application Links between Fisheye/Crucible and JIRA:
  1. Delete trusted applications from JIRA and Fisheye/Crucible, then remove any existing application links between the two.
  2. Recreate the Fisheye link
  3. Click on the synchronize link.
  4. If the synchronisation succeeds, the appropriate trust relationships for the applications should be set up correctly. You can recreate the Crucible link if you had one.
    (i)Do not modify any of the Trusted Applications it creates as this may cause problems.

Still not working?

If the synchronisation fails, check the following:

  1. You have the correct Base URL set up in JIRA.
  2. You have the correct URL for your Fisheye/Crucible instance
If you are not using Application Links:

Go to JIRA > Trusted app > Fisheye application, then add a slash e.g '/' at the "URL Paths to Allow:" field:

Last modified on Jul 31, 2018

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