CSV import fails if customfield restricted by context
When a user imports data into JIRA via CSV using the issues > import issues from CSV
If a context is set:
- For example the value of a field is dependent on issue type
the issue would fail to import giving you an error that looks like this(the below is an example this is dependent on your CSV and field being imported):
Reason is required.; Feature is required.; User 'aspasia.merkouri' does not exist. ]
2015-03-18 14:52:02,451 http-bio-8080-exec-56 ERROR somone
892x562333x2 14s2m70
/secure/admin/ImporterLogsPage!viewLogs.jspa [velocity]
Exception rendering #parse(/templates/standard/jiraformheader.vm) at
com.atlassian.jira.plugins.jira-importers-plugin:actions//templates/admin/views/common/viewlogs.vm[line 9, column 1]
- Removing the context from the field.
allowing for all issue types resolved the issue.
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Last modified on Mar 30, 2016
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