Event Type Name in JIRA Email Subjects Missing After Upgrade to 4.4.x or Above

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This page includes customisations of JIRA's file system, which falls outside the scope of Atlassian Support.


User has upgraded to 4.4.x and found that by default the status of an issue in their email subject header has been removed.  


The default behaviour in 4.4+ has been changed for this, as part of JRASERVER-12640 - GMail does not thread JIRA notification emails. Additionally, whilst not related to this KB, the sender has also changed. There is an improvement request to better handle toggling the Event Type in the sender, as in JRASERVER-25591 - Allow for enabling Event Type Name in to 'From' instead of 'Subject'.


  • Changing the email templates will result in those files being listed in the modified-files report when JIRA starts up. This can be ignored.
  • You will need to re-apply this procedure each time you upgrade to a new version of JIRA 4.4.x.
  • At the time of writing, this procedure has been tested with JIRA 4.4. However, it is expected to work in future versions.
  • Jira 8.0 introduced batching email notifications. The steps here only applies for individual email notifications. If you follow these steps, you will need to disable batching email notifications to see the effect.
  • You can refer to Customizing email content (batched notifications) to customize the template for batched notifications

To get back to the older styled email headers, you'll need to modify the subject header templates.

  • Navigate to <jira-install>/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/templates/email/subject
  • Create a backup of this directory.

The following is the comparison between then two:

Pre-JIRA 4.4+
$eventTypeName: ($issue.key) $issue.summary
Post JIRA 4.4+
($issue.key) $issue.summary

In the newer templates the "$eventTypeName:" was removed. If you want to restore the old subject lines, you can simply replace all the subject templates in the new installation from that of an older installation, or replace them with the jira-4.3-templates.zip.

The steps to do this are exactly as follows:

  1. Shutdown JIRA.

  2. Backup all files in the <JIRA-install>/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/templates/email/subject directory.

  3. Overwrite all files in that directory with the ones contained in an older version of jira (eg: 4.3.0) or the jira-4.3-templates.zip.

  4. Start JIRA.

tip/resting Created with Sketch.

Please make sure you perform the backup step as velocity template changes are typically not supported.

Last modified on Jan 31, 2025

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