How to collect data to troubleshoot WebHook failure in Jira
Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Except Fisheye and Crucible
A WebHook request may fail silently. This may be because:
- The request doesn't reach the recipient
- The request reaches the recipient, but is not supported by the recipient (e.g. unsupported events)
- The request reaches the recipient, but is rejected by the recipient due to unexpected content
In such a case like this, we need to debug WebHooks as well as set up a test recipient to verify whether/how it receives a WebHook request from Jira.
All versions of Jira Core 7.x and 8.x
1) Steps to collect data
Go to → Create a Request Bin → Copy the endpoint URL e.g.
Make sure you uncheck Private (requires log in) before you hit the create button.Create a new WebHook with all the same settings (JQL, events, body included/excluded) as the problematic one, but set the WebHook URL to the endpoint URL above
For Service Management Automation WebHooks, add a new WebHook with all the same settings (empty/Jira/custom payload) to the same THEN condition, but set the WebHook URL to the endpoint URL above
Go to Jira Administration → System → Logging and profiling → Configure logging level for another package
Enter com.atlassian.webhooks for the Package name → Set Logging Level to DEBUG → Add
- For more verbose logging, enter org.apache.http for the Package name → Set Logging Level to DEBUG → Add
- Mark the logs as per Marking Jira logs for troubleshooting purposes to indicate Replication Start
Trigger the WebHooks (a single event should be able to trigger both WebHooks)
Check and see if the request reaches the Request Bin page (where the endpoint URL is presented)
- Mark the logs again to indicate Replication End
- Disable the package debugging (temporarily set logging level to None)
2) Sending data to Atlassian Support
Attach the following data to your Support ticket:
- A screenshot of the WebHooks' settings
- A Jira Support Zip
- A screenshot of the request details from the Request Bin page
For Service Management Automation WebHooks, also attach the followings:
- A full screenshot of the Automation configuration
- Automation logs