How to remove any entries related to Minyaa from the logs
Even after remove the Minyaa plugin from JIRA, some WARNs are still appearing in the log files.
The following appears in the atlassian-jira.log
2014-12-01 11:00:00,098 atlassian-scheduler-quartz1.clustered_Worker-1 WARN[jira.plugin.customfield.CustomFieldSearcherModuleDescriptorsImpl] Custom field searcher module: is invalid. Null being returned.
Minyaa Tools provides the RegExpField customfieldtype
. Each customfieldtype
requires a customfieldsearcher
To reuse this default searcher, Minyaa declares the TextSearcher class as compatible with RegExpField and also existing default Text customfield.
Apparently, the impact is that any created Text Field created with Minyaa installed, has been created using the Searcher defined in Minyaa.
- Run the following query to see if there are any searchers defined in Minyaa:
SELECT * FROM users;
- If so, backup your JIRA and run the following query to update those entries:
UPDATE customfield c SET customfieldsearcherkey = 'com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:textsearcher'
WHERE customfieldsearcherkey ='';