Update Asset object attribute using automation with values from associated Jira issue
Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
Automate Jira issue attribute updates to Assets, benefiting all users including non-JSM users via issue creation.
How can you integrate these steps into your daily work?
As an admin, you would like to update an Attribute of assets selected on an Asset object field in JSM issues. For example, you would like to update the 'Owner' Attribute of a 'Computer' asset with the Reporter of the JSM issue.
Automate your Assets
- Create Object Schema and Object type for Assets.
- In the Assets object type, add 'Owner' attribute (User type).
- Create an Asset object custom field and add it to the JSM screen. E.g: Computer.it
- Then, create automation as below:
- Pick the Issue Created trigger (Or any trigger depending on when/where in the issue you would like the attribute to be updated).
Then, add the 'Edit Assets field attributes' action.
The 'Edit Assets field attributes' action is located under Issue Actions
- For Assets Field, select the Assets object field created on Step 3.
- Choose the attributes that you would like to update. For example, to update the Owner attribute with the Reporter of the Jira issue.
- Save and publish the automation rule.
This automation also can be used to update object attributes with other smart values or fixed text as well. E.g: value from a different custom field in the issue. Feel free to explore the smart values that can be used on the Advance your rules with smart values documentation page.
The same actions are not available on Jira Server/Data Center. More details and a potential workaround can be found here: