Jira cannot create agent channel when setting up JSM Chat/Assist

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Platform Notice: Cloud Only - This article only applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.



When setting up Chat in your Jira Service Management project, you are blocked on the step where Jira tries to set up automatically the Agent channel for your project. The following error is shown:

We couldn’t create your channel. Refresh the page to try again.


This is caused by a restriction in the Slack workspace permissions, related to who can create channels in it, so Jira is unable to automatically set up the channel.


You will need to either:

  • Manually set up the agent channel in Slack or
  • Change the permissions on the Slack workspace to allow all users to create channels

Below are the details on how to achieve these solutions.

Manually set up the agent channel in Slack

  1. In Slack, find a private channel or create a new one. If you don't have permission to create private channels in your workspace, ask your Slack workspace admin/owner to create a private channel for you.

  2. Add Assist to the channel:

    1. Type /add as a message in the channel.

    2. Select Add apps to this channel.

    3. Search for Assist.

    4. Select Add.

  3. When prompted to select the type of channel, select agent channel.

  4. Select the service project you’d like to connect to the agent channel.

  5. Go back to Jira on your browser and refresh the tab.
  6. Proceed with your Chat set up.

Change the Slack workspace settings to allow all users to create channels

  1. As a Slack workspace Owner or Administrator, access [workspacename].slack.com/admin > Settings & Permissions > Permissions > Channel Management (https://[workspacename].slack.com/admin/settings#channel_management_restrictions)
  2. Under "People who can create private channels", change it to "Everyone, except guests". Save the update.
  3. Go back to the Jira tab in your browser and refresh it.
  4. Proceed with your Chat set up. 

Last modified on Dec 7, 2023

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