JIRA complains about Special Characters when Uploading Attachment to JIRA
JIRA refuses to accept images with names containing ":" when attaching a file.
JRASERVER-36515 - Getting issue details... STATUS
JRASERVER-71250 - Getting issue details... STATUS
JRASERVER-65739 - Getting issue details... STATUS
The following appears in the XXXXXXXXXXX.log
Screenshot ABC:1:2:3.jpg contains the invalid character ":". Please rename and try again
JIRA does not support the usage of certain special characters as stated in the official documentation here (Attaching a File#AttachingaFiletoanIssu ).
Ensure any attachment being added does not contain any of these characters:
File names cannot contain any of these characters: '\', '/','\"', '%', ':', '$', '?', '*'.
- Rename the affected file ensuring it does not contain any of the characters mentioned.
- Upload the file again.