Jira Service Management Internationalization

Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


Jira Service Management allows for custom internationalization and localization text through the modification of the a properties file contained inside the plugin's JAR file.

  • This allows you to change text that appears in Service Management including:
    • Field names
    • Help messages
    • Link buttons
    • Notifications / Emails to customers and participants (NOT agent notifications)
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These instructions are for custom text. For translated versions of Service Management visit https://translations.atlassian.com

Modification of plugin JAR files is possible however Atlassian Support does not provide assistance making these changes. Consequently, Atlassian cannot guarantee providing any support for these modifications.

If you encounter problems you should install a copy of Jira Service Management that has not been modified.  You can download these OBR files directly from the Marketplace version history pages below:

How to Add Internationalization

Inside of the plugin JAR file, modify sd-i18n.properties

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The following is just one of the i18n files. There are multiple i18n files inside of the Jira Service Management .obr file.

Version 2.5.9 and older:

  • /jira-servicedesk-X.X.X.obr/jira-servicedesk-X.X.X.jar/i18n/sd-i18n.properties

Version 3.0.0 and newer:

  • /jira-servicedesk-application-X.X.X.obr/dependencies/jira-servicedesk-X.X.X.jar/i18n/sd-i18n.properties   

You will need to update this file each time you install a new version of Jira Service Management

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How to modify plugin file:

Any method can be used, provided the plugin file is put back together correctly.

Download Jira Service Management

Here are two example methods for modifying the i18n files:

Method 1 (Windows Only)

  • Open the .obr file as an archive in 7zip
  • Navigate to i18n file you wish to change (double click any .jar to navigate into it)
  • Drag i18n file out of 7zip onto desktop
  • Modify i18n file and save
  • Drag i18n file back into same location in 7zip, Select Yes to confirm copy
  • Close 7zip. Be sure to click OK to update archive.

Method 2

  • Change .obr extension to .zip and unzip file
  • Now, find the .jar file inside of the unzipped folders, rename this to .zip and unzip
  • Next, find the sd-i18n.properties file and make your modifications
  • After that, re-zip the set of folders from the .jar and give this the same file name it originally had, ending with .jar
    • You can remove the unzipped folder after you have re-zipped the files
  • Finally, re-zip the set of folders from the .obr and rename this zip to be .obr.
    • The file name of the resulting .obr does not have to be the exact same as the original file name. You can add "modified" or something similar to the filename and it will not cause issues. Just make sure the resulting file is an .obr

Modify these lines to change the public signup hint that appears on the customer login page:

  • cv.login.pub.signup.title=
  • cv.login.pub.signup.desc=

Known Issues

The plugin JAR file must be reassembled after modifying the properties file. The resulting JAR must have the same folder structure as the original JAR.

If after re-zip and uploading the JAR file the changes does not affect Jira Service Management at all, try running the command below from inside the extracted set of folder with the modified translation:

jar cf ../<original JAR file name>.jar * 


jar cf ../jira-servicedesk-application-3.8.2.jar *

Last modified on Nov 23, 2020

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