Notifications for Changes to Issues Are Not Received

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Testing notifications by creating an issue, watching it, and adding a comment results in no notification being sent, despite all notification settings being correct and subscriptions working correctly.


Under a user's profile, there is an option to opt-out of any notifications related to changes said user makes. This will override other notification settings.

There is a bug in JIRA where the 'Issue Assigned' event is never triggered. In its place, the 'Issue Updated' event is triggered. See  JRA-29328 - Getting issue details... STATUS  for more details. 


First, use the JIRA Admin Helper functionality to verify why they're not receiving notifications. This will provide in-product guidance as to why the notification is not being received.

When testing notifications, it's best to use two test users - one to make the change and one to receive the notification. If you are testing with one user, make sure that under Profile that "Own Changes" is set to "Notify Me". Otherwise it will not send any changes you make to yourself.

JIRA 6.0+

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA System Administrators global permission.
  2. Choose  > User Management. Select User Preferences from the left panel on the System page.
    Keyboard shortcutg + g + type user preferences.
  3. Edit the default values and select the tick box.

Previous Versions

You can set the default value for this under Administration -> Global Settings -> User Defaults. Any new users created will start with those values. Existing users will need to update their profiles.

Last modified on Oct 1, 2021

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