Printing of Issue Cards is Broken

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JIRA Agile provides functionality to print out issue cards from the board. To that end it opens up a new browser window with an HTML page adjusted for printing. This page may be broken in any GH version =< 4.2. This may manifest itself across all browsers in following ways:

  1. issues will be printed with portrait page orientation, one column per page (leaving 1/3 of the page blank)
  2. IE will only print first page instead of the whole document
  3. issues will be cut in half across pages


  • the page is meant to be printed in landscape (horizontal) page orientation, but some browsers do not detect that
  • GH versions =< 4.2 do not properly insert CSS page-break hints
  • some browsers/browser versions (in particular IE) do not honor CSS page-breaks and generally do not handle HTML printing well


  1. The user has to manually adjust page orientation to 'landscape' (click 'Cancel' on the print dialog, then modify page settings, reopen the dialog and print)
  2. in most cases going to IE 'Print preview' and printing from the preview window makes IE print all pages
  3. check what browser/version is used. GH does not support the same browsers as JIRA, in particular IE6 support was dropped. See:
  4. check what version of JIRA Agile is used. Any version <= 4.2 is likely to be causing printing issues. Advice the customer to upgrade GH to newer version (e.g. JIRA Agile version 4.3.2 is the most recent GH version compatible with JIRA 4.0.x, so 4.0.x customers may safely migrate from GH 4.2.x to GH 4.3.2)
  5. if anything else fails, advice customer to print the cards to PDF file (e.g. using Bullzip) and then print out the PDF. This should work properly in most cases
Last modified on Aug 26, 2013

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