Set 'Reporter' Field Value Based on Actual Reporter: Retrieving Email Addresses from Issue Description or Custom Fields through Email/API"

Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


In a situation where tickets are created automatically via API or Email channels, the actual reporter's details may be embedded in the issue's description or other custom fields. The agent or project admin aims to identify these email IDs and substitute the 'reporter' field with the true reporter's information." 

This scenario underscores the need for a more efficient system that automatically captures and updates the reporter's details, streamlining the process for agents and project administrators.


Jira Service Management cloud


  • Utilization of Jira automation: Jira automation can be leveraged to fulfill the requirement of extracting the actual reporter's email address from the issue description using Jira-smart-values-text-fields.
    • In the given example, I'm employing the smart value {{Issue.description.substringBetween("<",">")}} in conjunction with the substringBetween function to isolate the email address enclosed within "<>". This extraction process, however, is dependent on the particular data we receive in the corresponding field.
  • Reporter Account ID: The email address can't be directly added as a reporter. For this, a Reporter account ID is required. 
  • Update of Actual Reporter: As stated earlier, the account ID is needed to update the actual reporter. After the execution of the 'Add service project customer' action, the {{customer.accountId}}  smart value can be used directly in the 'Edit Issue' field under 'Reporter'. This is a highly efficient method to update the reporter's information.
  • Two Potential Scenarios: 
    • Scenario One: The actual reporter is already a customer of the service desk project. In this instance, the reporter should be added and replaced.
    •  Scenario Two: The email address has been received from a first-time customer. Here, this new customer should first be added, then the reporter should be replaced with the actual reporter. 
  • In both scenarios, the 'Add service project customer' action can be effectively used. If the user is a first-time customer, it will add them; if they are already a customer, it will provide the existing customer information.

Last modified on Jan 17, 2024

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