Unable to connect to the mail server due to Google 2-Step Verification
When trying to setup Jira Service Management mail handler, the following appears in the atlassian-jira.log
2014-10-08 12:35:57,763 http-bio-8080-exec-22 ERROR user 755x8272x1 1mpdtre xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx /rest/servicedesk/1/servicedesk/TASK/incomingemail/validateemailforcreation [servicedesk.squalor.email.MailServerVerifier] Unable to connect to the server at imap.gmail.com due to the following exception: Unfortunately Jira Service Management couldn't connect to the mail server. Here is what the mail server said: "Invalid credentials xxxxxxxx"
2014-10-08 21:48:02,953 http-bio-8080-exec-10 ERROR user 1308x9993x1 cza7uz xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx /rest/servicedesk/1/servicedesk/TASK/incomingemail/validateemailforcreation [servicedesk.squalor.email.MailServerVerifier] Unable to connect to the server at imap.gmail.com due to the following exception: Unfortunately Jira Service Management couldn't connect to the mail server. Here is what the mail server said: "[ALERT] Please log in via your web browser: http://support.google.com/mail/accounts/bin/answer.py?answer=78754 (Failure)"
2014-10-09 08:50:05,495 http-bio-8080-exec-19 ERROR user 530x10417x1 1lqv8al xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx /rest/servicedesk/1/servicedesk/TASK/incomingemail/validateemailforcreation [servicedesk.squalor.email.MailServerVerifier] Unable to connect to the server at imap.gmail.com due to the following exception: Unfortunately Jira Service Management couldn't connect to the mail server. Here is what the mail server said: "[AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure)"
2014-10-09 08:50:21,197 http-bio-8080-exec-7 ERROR user 530x10420x1 1lqv8al xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx /rest/servicedesk/1/servicedesk/TASK/incomingemail/validateemailforcreation [servicedesk.squalor.email.MailServerVerifier] Unable to connect to the server at imap.gmail.com due to the following exception: Unfortunately Jira Service Management couldn't connect to the mail server. Here is what the mail server said: "Connection dropped by server?"
Google 2-Step Verification has been setup into the mail
- Disable the 2FA verification, OR
- Generate an app password for Jira, so that Jira could pass the 2FA verification. Sign in using App Password
Last modified on Nov 23, 2020
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