Use the Average Time In Status gadget in Jira server

Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


This guide is to give a proper installation method and setup, as well as some guidance on how to understand on using this gadget


Installation & Setup

  1. Download JIRA Charting Plugin from Atlassian Marketplace or directly using your UPM - Installing Marketplace apps.
  2. Create a new custom field, search for type time in status, then, name it "Time in status" (Please ensure that there is only one defined) .
  3. Add this field to every screen.
  4. Perform a full (background will not work) re-index on JIRA.
  5. Select the statuses that you want to track within the gadget.

  1. For testing, go to any open issue. Resolve and close it.

  2. This chart shows the average time spent in a status for all resolved issues over the past 30 days. It only shows the average time spent on the selected statuses for issues that are resolved with a resolution set on the same day. For example, if there are 10 issues resolved on March 16, the total time spent on each selected status will be divided by 10 issues, despite when these issues are created. The average hours will then be plotted on the graph for the date March 16. 

  3. (Optional) Install JIRA Suite Utilities Plugin, so that you can monitor each issue time in a status.

     Note that this is a third-party plugin and is out of scope for Atlassian support.

  4. Below are some example calculation. Go to each of these issues and resolve them.


  5. Check for how long they remained on each status from the JIRA Suite Utilities plugin transition tab above.

  6. Issue'Needs Attention' Status'Investigation' Status
    XXXX-Y112d 9h 33m4s
    XXXX-Y2115d 7h 12m2s
    XXXX-Y31m 25s168d 14h 34m
    XXXX-Y4168d 14h 48m3s
  7. That means those for issues spend on average (rough calculation):

    StatusSum of hours in status Avg
    Needs Attention(12*24\+9\+0.55)\+(115*24\+7h\+0.2)\+(168*24\+14\+0.8)= ~7112 hours7112/4 = 1778h
    Investigation~4047 hours4047/4= ~1,011.75h 
  8. The average time spent in each status for all resolved issues on the same day will show up in the graph:

DescriptionThis guide is to give a proper installation method and setup, as well as some guidance on how to understand on using this gadget
Last modified on Aug 25, 2022

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