Enabling ranking

Enabling ranking allows you to rank issues on a board by drag-and-drop, and to create sprints on Scrum boards. It also enables Jira Software to group sub-tasks together underneath their parent issue.

Before you begin

You must be a Jira administrator or a board administrator for the board to enable ranking.

Enabling ranking

  1. Go to the desired board and select Board > Configure.

    Note that only the administrator of a board (or a person with the 'Jira Administrators' global permission) can configure a board.
  2. Click the Add Rank button. This will append the following to your filter's query:



  • Jira Software automatically creates a custom field called Rank, of type Global Rank. Please ensure that your Jira instance contains only one custom field called Rank, and that the Rank field is assigned to the global context (i.e. not to specific issues or projects).
  • The sort order must be ascending. Descending sort order is not supported.

Next steps

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Last modified on May 29, 2018

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